Media Appearances

Welcome to the media page for Mark Ferguson! This page is for media outlets who are interested in using quotes from Mark, featuring Mark in an article or Mark appearing on television.

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About Mark Ferguson and InvestFourMore

Mark got into the real estate business as an agent in 2022 after graduating from the University of Colorado with a Business finance degree. He struggled as an agent until he found his niche selling foreclosures. He began investing in rentals and bought his first using money from a cash-out refinance on his personal house. Mark now owns commercial, mixed-use, and residential rentals and has flipped more than 230 houses. Mark also owns many small businesses including laundromats, a car wash, a liquor store, and is the managing broker and owner of Blue Steel Real Estate.

Mark started InvestFourMore in March 2013 to discuss his rental property investing techniques. Mark expanded InvestFourMore to talk about his flipping business and real estate agent business. InvestFourMore is one of the top real estate blogs. Mark also has more than 400k social media followers and 100k YouTube subscribers all under the Investfourmore brand.

Mark has written multiple best-selling books:

build a rental property empire book

Build a Rental Property Empire: The no-nonsense book on finding deals, financing the right way, and managing wisely

how to make it big as a real estate agent

How to Make it Big as a Real Estate Agent: The right systems and approaches to cut years off your learning curve and become successful in real estate


Fix and Flip Your Way to Financial Freedom

how to be more successful book

How to Change Your Mindset to Achieve Huge Success: Why your attitude and daily habits have more to do with making more money and having more freedom than anything else.

And more books, including:

Mark has a popular Podcast on real estate investing:

Mark has coaching programs for real estate investors and agents:

Why should you have Mark on your podcast or feature him in an article?

  • Mark has been on numerous podcasts and has his own weekly podcast with thousands of downloads per episode.
  • Mark can speak on many different subjects: rental properties, fix and flipping, real estate agents, blogging, success, goal setting, entrepreneurship, exotic cars.
  • Mark is running his businesses today. In 2018 he has had up to 22 flips going at once and bought a 2.1 million dollar commercial property.  He runs a real estate team of 10 and has one of the most popular real estate blogs in the world.
  • Mark loves to educate and help others, he is not just about selling programs like many other real estate figures.
  • Mark has published multiple best selling paperback books.
  • Mark is part of the Forbes Real Estat Council

Articles Mark has been featured in:

As Seen On Wide

Full list of media appearances.

Mark Ferguson’s Podcast

Mark Ferguson has a Podcast show he does every week with thousands of downloads per episode.

InvestFourMore Real Estate Podcast

If you would like to be a guest on the podcast, please send me an email: [email protected]

Full-Length Bio

Mark Ferguson’s purpose is to help as many people as he can become financially free through real estate.

Mark got into the real estate business as an agent in 2022 after graduating from the University of Colorado with a Business finance degree. He struggled as an agent until he found his niche selling foreclosures. He began investing in rentals and bought his first using money from a cash-out refinance on his personal house. Mark now owns commercial, mixed-use, and residential rentals and has flipped more than 230 houses. Mark also owns many small businesses including laundromats, a car wash, a liquor store, and is the managing broker and owner of Blue Steel Real Estate.

Mark created InvestFourMore in March of 2013 to show investors how to invest in rental properties. The blog became popular very quickly and Mark expanded the topics he wrote about to include flipping houses and becoming a real estate agent. Mark also has more than 100k YouTube subscribers, and 400k followers on social media.

While Mark loves to write and help others invest, he still actively invests and shares his journey through his articles. Mark has been investing since 2002 and has also been an agent since 2002. He has seen the ups of the real estate industry and survived the housing crisis thanks to his solid investing strategies.

There are many real estate gurus in the online space who talk about buying with no money down, buying with no credit, and making easy money in real estate. These programs and gurus are more interested in taking easy money from consumers than they are in teaching people real, usable strategies in real estate.

Mark did not create InvestFourMore to cater to the easy money crowd. Mark feels real estate investing the right way is not easy, it takes hard work, discipline, and patience. He feels it is a good thing that real estate investing is not easy, because if it were, there would not be so much upside for the investors who put in the hard work.

Historically Mark averages:

  • Over $30,000 profit on each flip he completes
  • Over $8,000 a month income from his rental properties
  • Over $600,000 gross commissions per year on his real estate team
  • Over 200,000 unique visitors to InvestFourMore every month

These returns and profits do not come from secret, unknown, get rich quick schemes. They come from knowing the fundamentals, knowing them better than anyone else, and execution.

Mark has created coaching programs for real estate investors and real estate agents to show them how to make solid investments that will pay off over time. Mark also loves to teach business and time management as he is a proud father of 7-year-old twins. With four extremely successful businesses he only works about 40 hours a week. He would work less, but he loves what he does.

InvestFourMore has become a household name for many real estate investors. Mark hosts a weekly podcast, has a discussion forum, over 400 free articles, and a popular YouTube channel.

You may see Mark and his Lamborghini throughout the blog as he is an avid car enthusiast. He did not rent the car to make himself look successful like some late-night real estate infomercial specialists. He has dreamed of owning a Lamborghini since he was 6 and was able to buy a 1999 Diablo in 2014. He chronicled his journey of buying the car throughout the year and made a public goal to buy the car in 2013.

Mark likes to see all his assets grow. The Lamborghini, which was purchased for $126,000 in 2014 is worth close to $250,000 in 2018. Mark is also an open book about investing, business, attitude, and mindset. One of the things he attributes buying the car too was not letting society or others tell him what he should or should not want in life. But to let his heart and soul decide what he loved.

Medium length Bio

Mark Ferguson’s purpose is to help as many people as he can become financially free through real estate.

Mark got into the real estate business as an agent in 2022 after graduating from the University of Colorado with a Business finance degree. He struggled as an agent until he found his niche selling foreclosures. He began investing in rentals and bought his first using money from a cash-out refinance on his personal house. Mark now owns commercial, mixed-use, and residential rentals and has flipped more than 230 houses. Mark also owns many small businesses including laundromats, a car wash, a liquor store, and is the managing broker and owner of Blue Steel Real Estate.

Historically Mark averages:

  • Over $30,000 profit on each flip he completes
  • Over $8,000 a month income from his rental properties
  • Over $600,000 gross commissions per year on his real estate team
  • Over 200,000 unique visitors to InvestFourMore per month

These returns and profits do not come from secret, unknown, get rich quick schemes. They come from knowing the fundamentals, knowing them better than anyone else, and execution.

Mark has created coaching programs for real estate investors and real estate agents to show them how to make solid investments that will pay off over time. Mark also loves to teach business and time management as he is a proud father of 8 year old twins. With four extremely successful businesses he only works about 40 hours a week. He would work less, but he loves what he does.

Short bio

Mark Ferguson’s purpose is to help as many people as he can become financially free through real estate.

Mark got into the real estate business as an agent in 2022 after graduating from the University of Colorado with a Business finance degree. He struggled as an agent until he found his niche selling foreclosures. He began investing in rentals and bought his first using money from a cash-out refinance on his personal house. Mark now owns commercial, mixed-use, and residential rentals and has flipped more than 230 houses. Mark also owns many small businesses including laundromats, a car wash, a liquor store, and is the managing broker and owner of Blue Steel Real Estate.

Mark started InvestFourMore in March of 2013 to discuss his rental property investing techniques. Mark expanded InvestFourMore to talk about his flipping business and real estate agent business. InvestFourMore now has 300,000 views a month and is one of the top real estate blogs.

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Contact information

Address: 950 37th Ave Ct, Greeley Co 80634

Mark loves to educate and help others. He’s been in the trenches, and currently still is, and he isn’t simply interested in selling programs about real estate. It’s his passion to share his knowledge and experience so others around the nation can succeed in real estate, as he has. Mark is honored to share that on every platform he can.

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