The InvestFourMore Blueprint

Real Estate is One of the Best Ways for the Everyday Person to Make it Big!

So many people dream of making it big, of the awesome house and killer cars, but how many actually get to a point where they can afford those things? I don't mean putting it all on credit cards and watching it collapse a few years later, but really afford those things?

People lose their dreams because they don't believe they can achieve them, or they are convinced by society that their dreams are wrong. I had both of those things happen to me, but eventually, I realized I could have those things. Even if I didn't get everything I wanted or dreamed of. I would much rather try and fail than wonder:

"What if I would have tried, could I have done it?"

Real estate and investing in real estate allowed me to have the house I always dreamed of, the cars I had wanted since I was a kid, and the peace of mind knowing my money was working for me to make more money.

I created this program to teach others how to do it as well with my personal help.

Learn the Best Ways to Invest in Real Estate!

I have flipped close to 200 houses and own more than 150,000 square feet of rental properties. Over the years, I have learned a lot about real estate investing. How to invest in good markets, bad markets, with 20% down and with almost no money.

It can be tricky to buy rentals or flip in today's market, but there are always deals and always opportunities. There are ways to buy with less money down, there are ways to invest even when you live in an expensive market, and there are even ways to invest if you don't think you have the time to do all the work yourself.

I will be honest, investing in real estate is not as easy as buying a mutual fund, but if you want to get exceptional returns, it takes a little extra work.

I could have retired in my 30s from real estate but I have to much fun to stop working!

The InvestFourMore Blueprint will walk you through:

  • How to get great deals
  • How to analyze deals
  • How to finance properties
  • What types of properties to buy
  • How to analyze a market
  • How to manage properties
  • How to repair and fix up properties
  • How to sell properties
  • The right mindset to get this done as quickly as possible

The step-by-step 300-page physical book comes with email coaching, video training, live conference calls, video modules, a money-back guarantee and much more.


Live Group Coaching


Print & Audio Material


Video Courses

What is included?

  1. Over 80 chapters and 11 sections step by step guide with calls to action on exactly what to do! (Value: $1,500)
  2. Live conference call every month for as long as we have the program plus all recorded callsย  (Value: $2,500)
  3. Personal Email Coaching for LIFE of the program - Email me about ANYTHING, ANYTIME (Value: $2,500)
  4. Help you find lenders, contractors, agents, etc. in your area (Value: $2,500)
  5. Video modules for each chapter (Value: $500)
  6. Deal analysis: I will help you analyze deals through the forum or directly through email. I will let you know if I think it is a good deal and help you learn how to determine the right numbers to know. (Value: $2,500)
  7. My Personal Real Estate Goal Setting Guide (Value: $200)
  8. House Flipping Course (Value: $200)
  9. Master the Deal Course (Value: $200)
  10. Funding and Financing Course (Value: $500)

The total package of everything combined is worth well over $13,000!

SALE!! Sign up now for just $1,999 $1,499!

Bundled Courses

Get everything in the Blueprint plus these three bundled courses!

Master the Deal

Master the Deal

Funding & Financing Course

Funding and Financing


The Fix and Flip System

Do You Need Coaching?

Some people do not need coaching. They can figure this out on their own. However, most people want to take the fast-track or avoid some of the mistakes I made.

Why spend money on coaching when you need that money for real estate?

This is a great point and I don't want to inhibit people from buying rentals, that is why this is not a $20,000 or $40,000 program. Yes, there are $40,000 programs from big names you have heard before, that teach less than I teach. However, it takes me a lot of time to deliver personal help and I want to make sure those I help are serious. I have to price the program at a certain level to make sure my students are not going to waste their time or my time. I am confident that my help will more than make up for the cost. In fact, just a couple of mistakes will cost you much more than this program

  • Lose your earnest money; $500 to $5,000
  • Miscaclulate repairs: $5,000 to $50,000
  • Miscalculate cash flow: $100 to $1,000 a month!
  • Never buy a property: $500 to $5,000 a month
  • Don't have enough cash reserves: Lose the house!
  • Bad tenant: $2,000 to $20,000

I don't want to scare you, but these things can happen. They are rare and often avoidable if you know what you are doing. if you do run into an issue I have a lot of experience in dealing with almost every situation and can help you mitigate it with the least amount of harm done.

Money-Back Guarantee

I guarantee you'll find the blueprint valuable, really valuable, or I'll give you your money back and let you keep your copy of the blueprint. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked.

Still have questions? here are some common concerns

But what if there is a housing crash?

There could be a crash, but no one knows for sure. We made it through the last crash just fine and rentals can actually survive a crash just fine if you buy them the right way. There are also ways to make a lot of money in real estate before, during, and after a crash.

But what if I don't have any money?

I started with little money. I worked hard to make more money and I used my personal house to get more money for my first deals. There a lot of ways to invest in real estate without tens of thousands of dollars.

But my market is too expensive!

My market is expensive too, I am in Colorado which has seen some of the highest price increases in the nation. There are different strategies for different types of markets, but an expensive market does not mean you cannot be a real estate investor.

But I don't have any extra time! I understand that.

I have twins and a newborn. The great thing about being a real estate investor is it gives you time. You don't have to quit your job right now, but with real estate, you might be able to in the near future. Getting started may not take as much time as you think.

But I know nothing about real estate!

That is why I am here!

But the stock market has better returns!

Actually it doesn't. A lot of people say the stock market has better returns than real estate investing because historically the stock market goes up more than housing prices. Housing prices are not investing. With real estate the power of leverage, buying below market value, and cash flow (all not included in housing prices), blow the stock market out of the water.

But my friend's nephew lost everything in real estate! It can happen.

There are no guarantees in this business. You take risks in everything you do. If you want to be super successful you must take some risks and the truth is that real estate investing is not that risky if done right. You are investing in a real asset. The chances are your friend's nephew did not have a clue what they were doing or were taking shortcuts when investing and that is why they went bankrupt.

Isn't real estate coaching a scam?

Honestly, it can be. It drives me nuts to see people spending more time on marketing than on delivering value, but that is true with any business. There are good people and bad people. The truth is I make much more investing in real estate than I do from coaching. I love seeing people succeed and I even learn from my students at times. is this a scam? No, but there are scams out there so be careful.

But I don't know anyone in the real estate business!

Hey, join the club! Most people have to increase their network and meet people to be successful in this business. Just because you don't know the right people now, does not mean I can't help you find those people. If you manage to meet the right person, they may be able to help you find the rest of your team as well.

But I am too young to be an investor!

Are you 18, if so than you can buy a house. I have even helped people under 18 learn the business so that they are ready when they turn 18. Being young is a huge advantage in real estate, use that advantage!

But I am too old!

If you are still breathing you can still be successful. In fact, real estate can help you retire much faster than the stock market. It can be really hard saving enough money to retire, but real estate can quicken that process.

Anything else holding you back?

If so, email me. I am happy to answer your questions. [email protected]. Make sure you put Blueprint Questions in the subject line as I get a lot of emails!

Sign up for the Blueprint now at just $1,999 $1,499!